Check Out The Results From Real People!
"I woke up with so much less joint pain today. That in and of itself is a huge victory! I know JJ says to weigh every day but in my OCD world, once a week works better for me. I’ll be excited to weigh Monday morning. I’ll probably keep going for another week and will then use the ****** Diet. 

I walked into Costco today to get some paper goods, guacamole, and frozen organic berries. As I walked by all the ****** junk and processed food, I realized they didn’t even appeal to me. I’d rather eat a couple of bites of JJ’s brownie bars (I cut them into 8 pieces). Feeling THAT way is a big win for me!" 

- Laurie G

"Day 8. Down 4.6 pounds. Body fat percentage down 1.5. That finally budged today. Since we had been traveling the two days before I started I am sure a couple pounds were water/bloat, but I am happy they came off so fast. Down 1/2” in the waist and hips. I did this detox to reset my system after being sick for about 6 weeks and to jumpstart the weight loss journey. 

I will begin with JJ’s Sugar Impact plan phase 2 today. It is the only plan I’ve used that takes the weight off. I am so used to no or little fruit that the smoothies started tasting like dessert to me...not something I refer...dessert for breakfast. Gotta say I am looking forward to an egg and spinach salad for breakfast again (not intolerant) 

Takeaways of the week: I will use this plan to push through plateaus. I will incorporate a Power Plant Day once a week. One day a week I will use two smoothies (or one smoothie and a JJ bar) I will not give up. Plan the work, work the plan! I will do these 7 days once a quarter. A half of a shake before a workout is a great energy boost. I don’t “need” my wine as much as I thought I did.It wasn’t always easy, but I did it and the results were worth it. I will remember that when I hit tough days on my journey to lose another 30 pounds."

- Gail

Yesterday, my daughter called me "skinny" and my husband called me "hot." I lost a total of 3.5 lbs., 2 inches in the waist and 1 inch in the hips, and my sinuses are clear (yay!). 

Don't get me wrong, I love all of that, but the best result from this week was renewed energy and motivation to continue to eat healthy. My sluggishness, foggy brain, and cravings are gone, and I know that, even at age 61, 

I can be in control of improving my health and how I feel. That's the best part!

- Miller G
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